Jonathan E. Thompson lives in Pensacola, FL. He has two pet rabbits, a shit-ton of books, and regular existential crises.

Cathedral thinking is dead. Long live cathedral thinking!

Cathedral thinking is dead. Long live cathedral thinking!

My original post on cathedral thinking addressed my concern about its feasibility in the 21st century. After ruminating on that question for a few more months, I decided that there is indeed still a glimmer of hope.

So I decided to make cathedral thinking—both its current challenges and its future flourishing—the subject of the TEDx Pensacola talk that I gave in November of 2019.

Please let me know what you think! And anyone interested in learning more about Dan Pink (whose studies on motivation I reference in the second part of the talk) can start with this charming short video that encapsulates his main ideas.

Learn the rules so you can break them

Learn the rules so you can break them

Ideology: or, how to lose friends and irritate people

Ideology: or, how to lose friends and irritate people